
Professional Services Image

Set up your district, schools, and instructors for success with Once.

Once provides professional services that can be customized for each implementation to maximize district, school, instructor, and student success. Professional services include:

- Strategic Planning: Customized virtual and/or in-person planning sessions that occur with Once staff and the district leadership team. Sessions are focused on implementation, which includes discussing district expectations and vision, scheduling, work planning, alignment of content, principal/school kick-off meeting, and quarterly, mid-year, and end-of-year reviews.

- Onboarding (Part 1): In-person, one-day training for 30 participants to provide introduction to and initial practice with the Once curriculum.

- Onboarding (Part 2): In-person training specific for schools to provide customized training and practice to implement the Once curriculum.

- Additional Training: In-person training for new instructors or for instructors who may need additional support.

- Intensive Program Support: School visits by Once staff to support program implementation including walk-throughs, feedback, planning, and administrative support.

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