We help school districts combine the Science of Reading with High-Dosage Tutoring to cost-effectively teach kindergarteners to read.

The Why

 After 50 years, there is consensus that districts should focus on evidence-based practices to teach reading (the “Science of Reading”). Many teachers, however, are under-prepared to teach according to the complex conclusions of that research.  Those who are must elicit choral responses, getting each child to say the same thing at the same time, which requires near-perfect classroom management. Even if students are responding in perfect unison, it is still difficult for a teacher to perceive an individual student’s mistakes. In the real world, many districts realize that their teachers are continuing to teach phonics far longer than they hoped, through 5th grade and even beyond. The implementation is just so hard.

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The Promise

Children are cognitively ready to learn how to read in kindergarten. Once successful, they become autonomous learners who require less differentiation, less remediation, and fewer supports in all of their academic subjects for the rest of their education.

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Boy reading image

The Method

We help school districts combine the Science of Reading with High-Dosage Tutoring to cost-effectively teach kindergarteners to read.

We train schools' support staff to become Once Instructors. We provide them with scripted instructional content that is aligned to 50 years of educational research, we video record them, and we coach them to teach every student in kindergarten to read. Instruction happens one-on-one, at each student’s own pace.

Those school-support staff members, employed by the school district, receive over 20 hours of coaching in the Science of Reading, provided by an expert coach, and are eligible to receive graduate credit at partnered universities. Not only do these staff members learn how to teach your students to read effectively, they become your future pipeline of highly effective classroom teachers.

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Try Once, and see the results for yourself.